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white house 〔美國〕白宮;〔口語〕美國總統的職權[意見(等)]。

white iron

Ronald wilson reagan stood at a lecture before a crackling fire in the state dining room of the white house . 白宮國宴大廳壁爐里的火苗歡快地跳動著,里根站在演講臺前發表講話。

The united states was a world power in fact as well as in name when roosevelt left the white house in 1909 . 1909年羅斯福離開白宮時,美國無論在名義上或實際上都是個世界強國。

When they were home at the white house during school vacation, they would go zooming down halls with pillows . 學校放假時,他們回到白宮家里之后,他們會在各大廳里拋擲枕頭。

From the minute it ended, the white house switchboard was clogged with congratulatory phone calls . 從它結束的那一分鐘開始,白宮的電話總機就由于祝賀的電話太多而應接不暇。

Dick bore his situation with quiet dignity, complaining neither to the press nor to the white house . 迪克以冷靜的態度忍受著自已的這種處境,既不向報界也不向白宮發出怨言。

According to hearsay, eleanor felt a little downcast that she had to support herself in the white house . 據傳說,使埃莉諾感到有點泄氣的是,她在白宮不得不自己養活自己。

The advantage usually lay with those who had had thorough political schooling before entering the white house . 那些先有了徹底政治訓練,然后再進白宮的人總是占便宜的。

I called the soviet embassy, only to find that dobrynin was on the phone to moscow via the white house . 我打電話給蘇聯大使館,碰巧多勃雷寧正在通過白宮和莫斯科通話。

Ehrlichman's hiring of young was not uninfluenced by the petty jealousies of the white house staff . 埃利希曼啟用揚,并非沒有受到白宮工作人員狹隘嫉妒心的影響。

If this was true, then nine months of denials of white house involvement were undermined . 如果這是真實的話,那么九個月來白宮一直否認與水門有牽連就算白搭了。

Up to that point, an army officer had always been detailed to the white house to handle the white house budget . 在此之前,總是派一名軍官到白宮處理財務。

Eleanor hated to use white house limousines because she didn't want people spying on her . 埃莉諾很不愿意使用白宮的小轎車,因為她不愿讓人暗中監視她。

Harry hopkins' bedroom in the white house was at one end of a long dark gloomy hall . 哈里霍普金斯在白宮里的臥室,是在一條黑暗陰沉的長走廓的盡頭。

The white house insisted on a five-year agreement with a ceiling on permitted purchases . 白宮堅持要簽訂一項為期五年的協定,規定允許采購的最高限額。

For once a white house public succeeded, and performed a diplomatic function as well . 這次白宮的公共關系戰略終于成功了,而且還發揮了外交上的作用。

On march 13 the latin american diplomatic corps assembled in the east room of the white house . 3月13日,拉丁美洲國家的外交使團會集在白宮東廳。

I think this was perhaps the most enjoyable occasion we have ever had at the white house . 我想這也許是我們在白宮經歷過的最愉快的一次聚會。

Coherence had to be restored to the government and especially to its center in the white house . 政府,特別是白宮中心一定要恢復團結精神。

His flow of comic verse always enlivened festive occasions at the white house . 他信手拈來的打油詩經常為白宮的節日聚會增添不少歡樂氣氛。